- World of Good: Reasons to Smile—Dial a Rhyme, Reader's Digest, March/April 2022 Telepoem Booths read poems in poet's own voice, Winnipeg's Classic 107
- Telepoem Booth bringing more than 800 poems to Dubuque,
- Dubuque Telephone Booth Offers Direct Line to Poetry, Associated Press, by Elizabeth Kelsey
- Poetry Friday, by Gillian Ferris, KNAU in Flagstaff, AZ featuring Telepoem Booth: Missed Calls and Other Poetry featured poets Chris Green and Jesse Sensibar
- The Telepoem Booth, MOXI's latest installation, brings back the rotary phone, only with a new twist, by Tess Kenny, The Santa Barbara News-Press
- Telepoem Booth Instructional Video, by Elizabeth Hellstern and Owen William Fritts
- Dial "P" for Poetry: The Telepoem Booth Project, by Jennifer Levin, Pasatiempo/Santa Fe New Mexican
- Telepoem Booth at Center for Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, Santa Fe New Mexican
- Dialing up Art, by Megan Bennett, Albuquerque Journal
- Dial-a-poem: The Telepoem Booth Brings Poetry to the People, by Eva Rosenfeld, Santa Fe Reporter
- Telepoem Booth Offers Interactive Poetry Experience,
- PechaKucha: "Word of Art", presented by Elizabeth Hellstern in Flagstaff, Arizona
- Telepoem Booth Grand Re-Opening, Arizona Daily Sun:
- Unique Destinations: Telepoem Booth, by Dan Davis for AAA Arizona
- The Telepoem Booth: An Audio Postcard, by Gillian Ferris, on KNAU, NPR affiliate
- Telepoem Booth: Where the Poems Replace The Dial-Tone, NAZ Today
- Phonebooth With A Poetic Twist, by BrandTwist
- Dialing for Poetry, Flagstaff Business News
- Wait For The Poem: The Telepoem Booth Makes Its Local Debut, by Diandra Markgraf, Flagstaff Live's Cover Story
- Caller's Dial Up Poems In Telepoem Booth at Mesa Arts Center, by Annika Cline on KJZZ, NPR affiliate
- The Telepoem Booth Project by Mikayla Krahmov
- Telepoem Booth, 4 Flag TV